Krishna Mandir, a Hindu temple dedicated to the Hindu deity Krishna, is located in Wachhowali, Rang Mahal, in Lahore, Pakistan. Wachhowali is a narrow commercial and residential lane, and has several Hindu temples, which are managed and maintained by the Evacuee Trust Property Board (EPTB).
The Evacuee Trust Property Board had previously allocated a sum of Rs 1.2 million in January 2005 for the renovation and extension of Krishna Mandir. The temple had been badly damaged in clashes that took place after the demolition of Babri Mosque in India in the 1990s. The website of the Minorities Affairs Division of the Pakistan government states that the tender for the renovation and extension of the temple was awarded on March 31, 2005 and over half of the work had been completed by June 30, 2005. The temple was to be completely restored by June 2006.
The unique architecture and style of this temple has tempted all the tourists of other country. we can find numbers of hotels and lodges so that there will be no problem for lodging and fooding.
Not a single Hindu Temple was built by demolishing any other faith's place of worship. The Babri masjid and many other masjids including Qutb minarand Tajmahal are built on foundations of Hindu Temples. We as Hindu respect all faiths and religions. We as Hindu never forced proslytize anyone in the world and that is at least Ten thousand year History of Hindus.